Top 5

5.  Hart of Dixie. 
About: Zoe Hart who used to live i New York as a doctor but got transferred to the small town in Alabama called Bluebell. First season is about how she tries to get more patients and their trust while second season is more about the tension and love between Wade and George.
Not the best story and some episodes it's nothing about the fact that she is a doctor, but I love Rachel Bilson and the tension between her and "Wade".
4. Once upon a time
About: Every story character you know got a curse and ended up in our world. There's only one person who can break the curse and bring everyone back to their world, only the one person who can break it doesn't believe. First season is about breaking the curse second season is about bringing every story character back to their world. 
Really cute story and plot, though sometimes quite childish. But really cute. Second season were better than the first actually.
3: Misftis
About: When five people were doing their probation work a storm came across and gave them all superpowers. They soon realized they weren't the only ones who'd gotten superpowers. 
A super non-serious comedy, though its plot sounds really serious. The series have four seasons and the first two was definitely the best (because of Robert Sheehans part Nathan) but the recent season isn't that bad as I imagined it would be.
2: Pretty little liars
About: Four girls who's best friend recently got murdered. While they try to keep on living their life, but at the same time figure out who killed their friend, they get lots of mean texts and messages from someone called -A. Always about their personal life and their most deepest secrets.
I'm struggling through the books while at the same time watching the series. I love it. Everything about it. The cast, the plot, the whole thing. Sometimes it can be a little bit childish, but not often though.
1: The Vampire Diaries
About: Elena Gilbert, who is a dopple-gänger, and her friends who are vampires and witches. It's hard to really tell what it's actually about, but it is good. Watching it probably because of Ian Somerhalder (Damon Salvatore) hehe...
I really can't say which season is the best but I really love this season and the end of the previous season, cried like a baby!

En höstlista

Snor listan från Sandra Beijer för cirka jättefin lista.

1. Känner du dig lycklig och glad nu när hösten är här?

För att vara ärlig, ja faktiskt. Dock lite deppigt såklart nu när hösten sakta övergått till typ höst-vinter och alla vackra blad på träden fallit av och ruttnat.
2. Vad kommer bli ditt mest använda plagg i höst?
Jag kör en snabb gissning på att mina Docs kommer användas flitigt samt en ny-gammal jacka jag hittade i garderoben. Tänk militär i marinblått.
3. Vad gjorde du vid den här tidpunkten för ett år sedan – hur såg ditt liv ut?

Jag hade nyss klippt snelugg som jag då tyckte jag passade superb i. Mer än det hade jag inte dokumenterat förutom pinsamma ego-bilder. 
För bara några dagar sen var det dock exakt ett år sen jag och Julia och Malin träffade Rebecca&Fiona. Det är värt att nämna!

4. Vad gör du om dagarna egentligen?
Skola, träning, promenad, skola
5. Vad ska du ha för frisyr?
ANTINGEN så tänker jag bleka sönder håret eller så blir jag brunett.
6. Vad lyssnar du på för musik?
Mina tre mest spelade låtar är
How to be a heartbreaker- Marina and the diamonds (den kom nyss ut på spotify måste ju sönderspela då såklart)
The return of the boyband- The Midnight beast 
Not giving in- Rudimental (Feat Alex Clare & John Newman) (kolla in musikvideon asså säkerligen världens finaste vackraste bästaste underbaraste osv)
7. Vad läser du?
Looking for Alaska

8. Senast tre inkomna sms?
"Min röv"
"Hahaha jag vet"
(åh så intressant)
9. Vad var bäst med sommaren?
Ledig, vänner, varmt, konserter, lathet, jordgubbar, glass, barfota, sol
10. Vad var sämst med sommaren?
För kort, för lite sol, för lite konserter, för sjuk för ofta
11. Senast köpta plagg?
En marinblå fransjacka!!!! <3 <3 
12. Ditt bästa skönhetstips inför hösten?
Hahah äuhm... glöm inte lypsyl och handkräm. Två saker jag konstant glömmer.
13. Hur ser du på framtiden?

Top 5

I was looking round on and found some watches that I would like to have. I should mention that I'm NOT a watch-person at all! But these are worth dying for, or something. 

5: Bonjour Moustache Watch

4: 'S' Watch 

3: Mini Boyfriend Watch

2: Top Hat Moustache Watch 

1: Moving Bunny Watch

Sunday November 11

Been doing some DIY and I thought i'd share it.
I found some old jars that used to have like jam or pickles in it and thought I could use them for something nice. Though, I had no idea what I would do, so I googled and found some really good ideas, and I decided to do some decoupage on it and then put in a candle. So here's the results

Monday November 5


Sunday November 4

Okay, so i've changed a bit in the design, as you can see. I'm not completely satisfied though, but whatever.
I had curlers in my hair last night, and I slept with them NOT COMFY! Next time I will have the curlers in my hair for a couple of hours or so, not a whole night. But the curls got quite pretty. Not what I had in mind, but I like it

Saturday November 3

Feels so weird writing November. October is already gone, it's so crazy.
Anyway I had an idea of making a collage-thing with October-2011 and October-2012 and compare, buuut I realized that my photoshop skills wasn't that good and my patient failed. So I guess i'll just post some pictures from October. Without any photoshop editing or anything. ENJOY



Sofia och jag äter kakor. Sofia hittar död hy inne på mitt rum. Hon planerar att döda mig med sina nymålade naglar.